Docker Swarm for Multi-Cloud Distributed Systems

来源:科学技术处 计算机系发布时间:2018-04-03

【讲座题目】Docker Swarm for Multi-Cloud Distributed Systems



【主 讲 人】Nitin Kumar Naik,Associate Professor Bournemouth University, UK


Nitin Kumar Naik毕业于英国亚伯大学,获计算机科学博士学位,现任英国伯恩茅斯大学副教授,英国高等教育研究院高级研究员。Prof. Naik在教育界和工业界有丰富的经验,历任亚伯大学讲师,印度Oriental Institute of Science & Technology计算机科学与工程系教授、主任。英国伯明翰Midland Letting & Sales Ltd工程师。其研究领域包括:信息安全、物联网、大数据与云计算等。


The design of distributed systems in multiple clouds have been gaining popularity due to various benefits of the multi-cloud infrastructure such as minimizing vendor lock-in, data loss and downtime. However, it has many challenges such as non-standard and inherent complexity due to different technologies, interfaces, and services. Docker has introduced container-based development approach in the past few years and it is gaining popularity in the software industry. It has also introduced its distributed system development tool called Docker Swarm, which extends the Docker container-based development process on multiple hosts in multiple clouds without any interoperability issue. Therefore, this talk will explain about Docker, Docker Swarm and the multi-cloud distributed system based on Docker Swarm.
