【讲座题目】New challenges in reservoir management under climate change
【主 讲 人】Silke Wieprecht
Silke Wieprecht教授现任斯图加特大学水力与环境研究所所长,她的主要研究方向是流域综合管理、河流输沙、水生栖息地模拟、流域防洪等,发表学术论文100多篇,在知名国际会议上作大会报告8次,在国际水利界具有较高的知名度和影响力。Silke Wieprecht教授在国际水利学会、国际泥沙学会等多个国际学术组织任职,与国内清华大学、北京大学、北京师范大学等高校均有学术交流或项目合作。在河流水生态模型方面,Silke Wieprecht教授领导研发的Casimir模型在该领域具有较高的知名度。
Reservoirs are essential for water security. All watersheds with reservoirs are impacted by their construction. These artificial ecosystems controlled by humans, change considerably the natural terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity. Multiple uses of reservoirs promote benefits in terms of economic development, income and employment. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how the basic knowledge developed for reservoir ecological dynamics can be useful for optimization of multiple uses and to the planning of new reservoirs providing better services with reduced human and ecological impacts in watersheds.