【讲座题目】第二部分:6G: 2030年的愿景、要求、技术挑战、标准化和实施
【时 间】2023年10月19日下午15点-16点
【地 点】线上腾讯会议,会议码:723-241-012
【主讲人】沙希德 蒙塔兹(Shahid Mumtaz)
Shahid Mumtaz,英国诺丁汉特伦特大学教授,IET会士,IEEE ComSoc/VTS杰出演讲者,IET Journal of Quantum communication创始人和主编。Mumtaz教授致力于利用人工智能/机器学习和数字孪生技术进行5G/6G无线技术研究,并探索通往工业和学术的创新路径。Mumtaz教授是4本学术书籍的作者,12个书籍章节的撰写者,发表了300多篇学术论文。除了在数据科学领域的工作外,他在无线通信领域的贡献也得到了广泛的认可,论文引用次数超过12000次,H指数达到60。他的研究对国际无线标准机构产生了影响,其工作已在LTE 12版本及以后包括5G NR的版本中得到使用。此外,Mumtaz教授作为IEEE重要会议的主席组织了20个研讨会,并担任IEEE Communication, Wireless Magazine, JSAC 以及 Transaction on Vehicular Technology等期刊的特刊主编。Mumtaz教授还是多个IEEE期刊的副编辑,包括IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Wireless Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Communication, and IEEE IoT Journals。此外,Mumtaz教授还在IEEE会议和移动行业上做过邀请教程,并在不同的外国大学做过邀请讲座。他还是研究资助机构和专利评估的科学专家,如欧盟、COST和中国国家自然科学基金。Mumtaz教授在2012年获得了“Alain Bensoussan Fellowship”奖,并于2017年获得了中国国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学家访问研究基金。
Professor Shahid Mumtaz is a full professor at Nottingham Trent University, UK. He is an IET Fellow, IEEE ComSoc/VTS Distinguished speaker, founder and EiC of IET “Journal of Quantum communication”, etc. His expertise lies in 5G/6G wireless technologies using AI/ML and Digital Twin tools and innovation path towards industrial and academic. Professor Shahid Mumtaz authorizes 4 technical books, 12 book chapters, more than 300 technical papers. In addition to his work on data science, he has contributed to Wireless communication, citing more than 12000 times with an H index of 60. His research has influenced international wireless standard bodies, and major manufacturers have also represented his work in LTE release 12 onwards, including 5G NR. In addition, he has organized 20 workshops as Chair in IEEE prestigious conference, 22 special Issues as Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Communication, Wireless Magazine, and JSAC and Transaction on Vehicular Technology. Dr Mumtaz is also the Associate Editor of several IEEE Journals, including Communication Magazine, Wireless Magazine, Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Transactions on Communication, and IoT Journals. Furthermore, he gave invited tutorials at IEEE conferences and the mobile industry and invited lectures at different foreign universities. Moreover, he is a scientific expert and evaluator for Research Funding Agencies and patents, such as the EU, COST, and NSF China. As a result, he was awarded an "Alain Bensoussan fellowship "in 2012. In addition, he received the NSFC Visiting Researcher Fund for Young Scientists in 2017 from China.
在这次讲座中,Shahid Mumtaz教授将继续上一次讲座的内容,深入讨论未来6G通信网络的愿景、需求、技术挑战、标准化和实施等方面。随着5G的商用部署和发展,人们开始关注下一代移动通信技术6G的发展。6G被视为一种能够提供更高速率、更低延迟、更大容量、更广覆盖、更可靠连接和更多智能化功能的网络。Mumtaz教授将讨论6G的需求以及6G所面临的技术挑战。此外,Mumtaz教授还将介绍6G的标准化工作和实施进展,包括国际标准组织的活动和产业界的研发努力。通过这次演讲,您将了解到6G作为下一代移动通信技术的发展方向和前景,以及相关的技术、标准化和实施进展。